Alternative Disney Vol 4: There's Been A Mix Up!

This collection is going to be Disney with a little twist. 

One of the best things about artists creating Disney their own way, is that not only do we admire the skill it took to draw it, but also their imagination to put their own spin on it. 

Wanting to see what each character is doing/what they're wearing/who they're with in this alternative Disney world is the main thing that makes me click through!

So, without further ado, let's have a peek.

Let There Be Doodles - Disney Diversity

Disney ladies from all over the world!


Kasami-Sensei - Disney as The Walking Dead

I think I'll fancy Treasure Planet guy however he's drawn. But yes, bad-assed Disney characters if they were in The Walking Dead universe. Poor, poor Kronk.

Eira1983 - Disney at Hogwarts

Two of your most favourite things in the world together, Hogwarts and Disney! Is that you, Flynn, looking a bit Cedric Digg-alicious?

Dylan Bonner - Who's Where?

And finally, we have Dylan Bonner's artwork! The princesses have swapped films and they look beautiful doing so. I love her bright illustrations, and I especially enjoy Elsa freezing the bloomin' tentacles off Ursula.

And there we have it!

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