Articles I really needed..

...when I'm experiencing inner turmoil about declining a job offer! Yes one is one of those dramatic thought catalog ones but yanno what, it just helped.

Read this if you're 23 and lost 

To the 23 year old feeling uncomfortable

Why Generation Y Are Unhappy

They totally sum up how I feel like I'm a 15 year old trying to play with the adults!

Why I can take rejection from an interview on the chin…


I have a friend who can say that they have been hired from EVERY SINGLE interview they have ever had. I’m sad to say, that for me, that record was tainted many years ago. I think it’s important to say that my friend may have only had 5 or maybe 6 interview, whereas I’m more in the 20s zone. So probability favours my friend (along with employers).

Through these failed attempts, I have learnt many things. I have gone from taking it completely personal (WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?! WHAT does she have that I DON’T?!) to taking it completely on the chin.

I just lied. I don’t think anyone can ever take it completely on the chin. But now I have a much more optimistic mindset with rejection. And I do have to remind myself to think this way, it’s definitely not natural. I’m sure cavemen, when applying to be part of the tribe, still felt rejection pains. But that’s probably because it meant dying a slow and lonely death for them.

Last week I even went for a job interview, then came out and thought it was a bit of a weird one, she couldn’t really tell me anything about the actual job, but instead told me about her hangover. The job itself didn’t really sound my cup of tea either. But I thought I kept up the pretense of an eager beaver well, and I thought I would probably get it! Which is what I think after EVERY interview. The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt and dreaded having to turn their offer down. As it goes, as days ticked by, the offer didn’t come. 

First thought: YAY. 
Second thought: WHAT?! WHY?! I WAS PERFECT?! 

Was it because she asked what I did at the weekend and I said I tended to stay in nowadays? Did she think I was boring? I can’t believe I was too boring for a finance job. (No offence to anyone in a fiancé job - my sister is an accountant and bloody loves it, I’m just a shit blogger and I go for the easy clichés)

Every time I stroll out and think that’s an offer in the bag! I should learn to stop soon.

Here’s the phases I go through:
  1. Feel the excitement of Yay I got an interview!
  2. Feel the dread of Nooo I’ve got an interview tomorrow.
  3. Feel happily distracted by something, then realise there’s something I’m dreading and I need to focus on the dread.
  4. Grumpy.
  5. Sit down and research the company.
  6. Prepare for ‘guaranteed’ questions that are never asked.
  7. Go to bed with twisted stomach.
  8. Wake up with twisted stomach.
  9. Take time with make-up to make sure I feel the ultimate power woman.
  10. Use extremely well-prepared directions to arrive at ze place.
  11. Attend interview. Decide whether to crack jokes based on whether the interviewers smile or not.
  12. Finish. Assume I’ve got it.
  13. Decide I don’t want it (commitment fear)
  14. Don’t get it: YAY/NO!
  15. Get it: YAY/NO!

Here’s some thing I tell myself when I’ve been rejected from da man:
  1.  It’s something to learn from! I learnt so much from the times I didn’t get the job. I thought whether there was something obvious that I should/shouldn’t do next time. One of the biggest lessons for me was to not say anything negative! I used to go into why I didn’t want to follow my degree subject, and I would tear it to pieces thinking the interviewer would be assured of my future loyalty. But nope, you’re just a moaning myrtle. There’s a positive spin for everything! Without a doubt, I'm better at interviews than I was 5 interviews ago. 
  2. Some people are shit interviewers. That’s a fact. They don’t ask the right questions and it may seem overly awkward. The more interviews I do, the more I can tell when the interviewer isn’t getting the best out of me because of the questions they are asking. 
  3. I imagine that the other interviewee’s may have been similar to my most impressive friend who I admire and whose professionalism is amazing. I can’t fake that kind of professionalism because it isn’t me, but if I lost out to someone like her, I would just think fair play!
  4. As always with every kind of negative experience, it’s fodder for a funny story. ALWAYS.
  5. If they didn’t hire you, it may mean they didn’t ‘get’ you. It’s a fact that some people just will not get you, as you may not get them. That’s fine, not everyone can understand everyone. As my main woman Drew Barrymore says: ‘Let your freak flag fly, and if someone doesn’t get you – move on’. You wouldn’t want to work with somebody who just didn’t understand what you were about. Wait till you have an interview with someone that does and you’ll be amazed at the professional sparks fly!
  6. Sometimes you’re just not on your game. Happens all the time and is completely acceptable! Carry on and don’t let it influence your future game.
Also! Not getting an interview may be a brilliant twist of fate. I didn’t get into my top choice university and I was understandably gutted. Apparently I talked too much in the interview. I do remember they asked me to sum up the best teacher in one word and I used about 571 words to explain my 1 word. Cue a thin eyebrow rising up on the interviewer’s face as she says, ‘We did just ask for ONE word’ aka: you’re not getting in here, not on my watch! BUT that meant I took up my second choice, I had loads of fun in a town that I love and I met my boyfriend who I now live with!

Oh god I went on a rant again. TTYL xxxxxxxxxxxx

PS: Some more interview tips

I personally enjoyed:
  1.  When asked what your weaknesses are, say Ryan Gosling. It’ll break the ice. Then say ‘persistent lateness’ or something.
  2. When asked if you want anything to drink, say “Just a glass of job please!” Then laugh for 15 minutes. No less.
  3. When asked if YOU have a question say “Where do you see YOURSELF in 5 years’ time, nosey?” Laugh. Pass around some mints.
  4. Loosen your tie as you enter & say “Phew! Is it me or did it get 100% more dynamic in here?” Then reverse high five them.
  5. Show you give 110% by pouring 10% too much water into your glass. Smile knowingly.

How the tables turn!

YAAAAAY two great occasions happened on the same day! That is, mine and boyfriend's 2 year anniversary AND a sweet sweet tax rebate. I know which one I'm more exited about lolz (jokes, not jokes, jokes). 

The anniversary came at a time when I needed a good meal out, and the tax rebate came at a time that the need for new foundation was URGENT. You may remember the blog post on me being as poor as can be, and it has been literally months since I've allowed myself the slightest non-essential buy. 

Thankfully, my boyfriend managed to persuade me to save £25 for myself  so we could have a guilt free meal in a restaurant we've never been before (I don't have a food selfie because I'm over that trend, kiddin, the lighting was too low).

AND THEN, I was dragging my feet going to buy a new natural collection foundation after work, when I checked and saw that I had FINALLY had a tax rebate! This is the day after I had been reading loads of articles on how behind the tax office is and how they are generally useless/over worked/saying they had never received important letters etc.

Dragging my feet turned into skipping, and I merrily spent £40 squid on make-up/body shizz!

Just to add, I enjoyed the meal the previous weekend, and the M&S salad (this is not just a salad, it's a fecking delicious salad with nuts in), Maccy D chips and choc cheesecakes was on the menu for the evening!

Just to say, this isn't a trying to be a haul post. I know how frustrating they can be when there's nothing you're craving more than a good mascara! I feel like this is a grateful prayer kinda post. I'm honouring the make up gods in the same way Native Americans honour their kills and promise they won't waste a single scrap. I've paid my time buying Poundland eyeshadows! They're quite good actually. I promise I shall love the heck out of my new make-up and I shall rejoice every time I put my face on. (Except you Rimmel Liquid Matte Lipstick - I trusted you and after one use I can tell you're shit and won't last half an hour, 5 mins if I happen to be talking).

I can also see why not being able to afford luxuries can be healthy every now and then, buying a £3.99 Rimmel powder has made me ecstatic! 

I hope your Monday is just as good, and perhaps an unexpected tax rebate is heading your way!