Ain't No Time For The Wicked...

At the moment I’m having a Ground Hog day experience. I’m having the same week over and over again.

If you haven't seen it, Ground Hog Day is about a film featuring the comedic genius Bill Murray. He finds himself living the same day over. and over. and over. He goes from being confused as hell, to being suicidal (doesn't work) to trying to get further and further with the lady he's just met and definitely fancies. Image having an amazing convo and covering some ground with the gal you fancy, and never getting anywhere because you gotta start from step 1 every day...THE PAIN.

I feel like I can sympathise. During the week I get up as late as I can, get ready in 40 minutes, get the bus to work, get the bus back after 8 hours, sit down, eat whilst on twitter, watch one programme, and ooh look! It’s time for bed. Then ooh look! Time to get up. Repeat x 5.

Dirty dishes pile up to be washed, dirty clothes pile up to be washed (okay not dirty dirty, you know what I mean) flat gets more and more cluttered, breakfast bowls pile up where I do my make-up in the morning.

Then at the weekend: get up late on Saturday, oh shit the day’s gone. Get up normal on Sunday, ACTUALLY clean up, go shopping for next week’s food, make nice tea, and about 3 HOURS OF BLISS. The only bliss in my week, where everything that is meant to be done is done and I feel like reading or doing something creative with my time because I’m in full-on geek mode. BUT that doesn’t last long, as the week plays again. And again. AND AGAIN. That’s only 12 hours of happiness in 4 weeks! Oh my god, that’s shabba.

How the fook does anyone do ANYTHING when they work full-time? How the fook did my mum get back from work, make tea for everyone AND wash up and sort us all out? How the fook does my teacher friend (a career path I got out of because it was 10 hour days and still there was work to do when you get home) fit in dancing AND gym AND netball around her job? Why the fook did I complain in Uni when I had ‘oh dear, TWO lectures today, that’s TWO hours!’? What about the people that work and THEN GO NIGHT SCHOOL!

I genuinely don’t know how people do it. And, what’s REALLY strange, those people that can get up at 6am and fit in 50 LENGTHS of swimming before work? The very very few times I’ve done 50 lengths, after leaving the gym I can’t move and can only sleep, even if it’s 4 in the afternoon.

I wish it was like Sims, and I can stagger the little things I have to do when I get home and automatically do them, like a nice little Sim that does what they’re told. I need someone to take free-will away from me! Because at the moment I’m doing that thing that Sims do when you accidentally leave it on whilst you eat your tea. That’s right, sleeping in, letting the dishes pile up, not getting my social up and becoming a moody bitch, and eventually blocking myself in behind a book and alternatively pissing myself/falling asleep stood up.

Live feed of my flat right now, inc. me crying in the background

I have piles of books that I’ve borrowed from the library for about a year. I renew them 6 times, then when it doesn’t let me renew online anymore, I take them in and just reborrow them. For them to pile up on my bedside table, unread and becoming increasing perilously too tall for me to put my drink on. I have about 500 saved articles from Facebook that I’m never going to get round to. I heart Instagram photos ever day so that one day I can go through them all (I heard the app doesn’t save liked photos past 300, and this terrifies me because I’ve liked about 300,000 that I really really wanna see again).

Gazillions of tutorials that I'm never gonna try on my Pinterest

I would say I need tips, when really the answer is incredibly simple. Just do it. Don’t sit down when I get back from work, just wash up. Read/draw/write instead of watching TV so that I feel I’m still accomplishing something. Stop moaning and just get awwwwwwwn with it. Watch TV after I’ve finished as a treat. When I work a bit later in the mornings, get up on the normal early time instead of pushing it as late as I can, so I can potter around a bit more. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

PS. When me and my friend were drowning in uni work, I set her the above photo as motivation. Next time I saw her she was like ‘I didn’t get it?! It’s like it shows how shit I am that Beyonce has the same amount of hours as me and can do all she does and I can’t even write a conclusion’. And I was all ‘yeah but…oh.’

PSS. Writing this made me realise that Bernard’s watch was the best, especially that bit where a man was using a hose pipe, and Bernard would freeze time and direct the pipe into the man’s face and OH GOD THE HILARITY. It would solve all my problems.

PSSS. If you haven’t watched Ground Hog day, I really think you should. It takes a bit to get into, but Bill Murray is always amazing (see below gif) and it’s a cool idea. Like, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!


  1. That Beyonce quote is my absolute favourite quote EVER. THE most motivating thing haha


    1. Exaaaaaactly it's inspiring! We need the mug to constantly remind us! xxxx

  2. oh my gosh this is hilarious! So true though-how the actual feck does anyone do so much with their day?? Im getting up at 12 everyday, missing my morning lectures, going to uni, coming home from uni, napping then studying. Then repeat. it sucks!

    Katie x x

    ps you're my new fave blogger by the way. Refreshing to read some real talk and real life stuff.

    1. Haha I really don't know, they're superhuman! Ohhhh how I miss getting up at 12 and napping! Not sure if I miss the studying though :') AH THATS GREAT because it's totally mutual, thanks for commenting so I could find your blog! Now a loyal follower! <3 xxxxx


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