The trailer is a bit old school, but it's well worth a watch. The idea of happiness clicks within the first 5 minutes as it talks about a rickshaw driver (who lives in a slum, works in monsoon/heatwave weather and is sometimes abused by his customers) is statistically just as happy as the average American. It is clear why, as it then shows him smiling with his baby boy and surrounded by a group of cheery neighbours who he calls his friends. He appreciates the finer things in life!
It touched upon things I already knew about but didn't realise was connected to general happiness, like the concept of 'flow', which is becoming talented at an activity and being able to be completely engrossed. Darn it, sleeping doesn't count! Sport and surfing was popular, gaming too, some lucky peeps even feel it when they're working! Oh yes, I felt SO engrossed at Pizza Hut, nooooooooooooot.
One of the things I didn't know about is the brain's ability to transmit and receive dopamine (the chemical linked with feeling happy) lessens as we get older. Think of it like a muscle, it's bound to weaken as we get older but the exercise we do greatly influences the rate - it's use it or lose it! I have never considered feeling happiness as something I have to practise! Disconcerting at first, but it can't be too bad if it encourages you to do more things that make you feel fulfilled!

I recommend a little viewing when you're not too busy! It's on Netflix and isn't too heavy, so you can totes instagram at the same time. Promise I've not given it all away!
Jess xxxxxxxx
PS. I cried at the bit about bullying
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