Sequin Versus Sequin

If there’s one thing I love no matter how much they swing in and out of style – its sequin dresses. Christmas parties/New Year/birthdays – they’re all PERFECT excuses to break out the sparkle.

This year, as soon as I had a Crimbo party to attend…THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT SEQUIN DRESS BEGAN.

Boohoo are amazing for their party dresses, so I found a beautiful ruby red one that I thought would look perfect, promptly ordered it, and then got all cocky and smug that I had it sorted in record time.

It was going to arrive on the Monday, and the party was on the Saturday. It’s fineeeeeeee, loads of time because nothing’s going to be wrong with it and I won’t need to change anything. How foolish are the youth.

The dress that looked perfect on the model, actually looked like this on me.  I thought it would come down to half-way down my boobs (still the most exposed dress I would have ever worn) but oh no, the neckline had better ideas. Hey Jess, shall we go for FRONT and SIDE boob?! Gwan, it’ll be fun for a professional party! It wasn’t just the boobage that wasn’t right, it made my whole chest area look puffed up and strange. I took miles better pictures that show just how much it didn’t fit me – but frankly it’d give the blog an 18 rating. (On the side picture where I'm subtly trying to hide it, you can see it's weird on the front!)

Rosie Sequin Bodycon Dress from Boohoo - £35

It took 5 minutes of me staring into the mirror downheartedly to realise it was never going to work and that I had a long night ahead of me dress and next-day-delivery searching. Straight back on to Boohoo! I looked through every single dress, through silky ones, velvet ones and more sequins. I had about 3 velvet ones in my basket (I lova lova the velvet too), till I realised I’ve done velvet constantly for the past couple of years and we need some time apart. So about 10:30pm (way way past my bed time – this is genuinely really late as I needed to shower and get as many hours as poss in) I restarted the search, much to Jonny’s chagrin.

No messing around this time, three dresses from Boohoo ordered and one from New Look. I’d only choose one and send the rest back (or will I muahahahahah). They were all here by the Thursday, props to New Look and Boohoo for the speedy delivery! When I got them I was so-ho glad I’d ordered multiple, one was nothing like I’d expected!

Becca Sequin Bodycon from Boohoo - £20

Loved the iridescent look on the website! However it looks v.v. pink in real life and v.v. yellow in pictures. But I do love the way it shimmers.
Verdict: Maaaybbbee. Definitely has potential if others aren’t right.

Petite Evie Scoop Back Sequin Dress from Boohoo - £25

Looks very nice HOWEVER I have never gone backless. I’m known for having a nice glowing tan on my body and a disturbingly white back as I really can’t be bothered to ever reach it or haul someone else in to finish the job.
Jonny said one dress was too salmon-ey, but he liked the goldfish one. Going along with these fishy adjectives, I assumed he didn’t like the pink one, but he liked the iridescent one. It took a day to realise that it was the other way round. Lesson: JUST DON’T ASK.
Verdict: Naaaah.

Boutique Ely Embellished Tutu Dress from Boohoo - £25

This one looked SO PRETTY on the model. I thought this dress was going to be the winner, it looked different, not over-exposed but would still stand out. Tried it on and NOPE.  Comes down to below my knees, definitely couldn’t pull it off,
Verdict: You let me down stumpy legs, NO WAY HOSE.

Love & Lies 'Gold' Sequin Dress from New Look - £29.99

Bought it thinking t’was gold (look! It definitely is in the picture!) but it arrived and it was bronze. But still a lovely bronze. Tried it on. Fit was perfect, felt comfortable, covered up my arms, came a bit low but I think I wanted it a bit low. Could wear gold accessories and it wouldn’t look over the top.

So that is the story of the battle of the dresses with the clock counting down. It was stressful in parts, but the protagonist pulled through and all was well in the end. Now begins the sending back of the dresses (I maaaay keep the Becca Sequin one) but thank god as my bank balance took a massive hit ordering them all!

Did you have any Christmas calamities with dress shopping, or are you a lover/hater of the sequins?

PS. Dress doesn’t look AS nice at 4.30am after a stroll in the rain and over-exuberant dancing in the piano room. But it coped well!

PSS. One thing I also learnt, is that the Boohoo outlet store on Ebay is amazing, and usually cheaper. Good if you’re in no hurry!

Alternative Disney Vol 3 - Something's Different...

Yep. Something's has definitely changed with our favey Disney characters. I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Sakimi Chan - Switch Up

Hades looking hella hot!


A Cruel Guy

Well whadda yah know, Disney unrealistic hair standards happens to both the sexes!

Elsa's Alter-Ego

Even Meeko got it going awn!

Jacqueline and Sal?


Beast & The Beauty

Ursula looks...different

Genie Gina

Godohelp (Haruki Godo) - Ladies Cosplay Their Dudes

Girls proving we really CAN make anything work for us!

TT Bret - Have you changed your hair?! Is that it?

I have no idea how the artist have switched these guys up so perfectly, but I love seeing their alter-egos!

(Well done if you noticed the two identical tarzans - sorry not sorry but I really canni be bothered to go back and EDIT THE WHOLE GRID)

And that's it for the old switcharoo! ENJOY.