How the tables turn!

YAAAAAY two great occasions happened on the same day! That is, mine and boyfriend's 2 year anniversary AND a sweet sweet tax rebate. I know which one I'm more exited about lolz (jokes, not jokes, jokes). 

The anniversary came at a time when I needed a good meal out, and the tax rebate came at a time that the need for new foundation was URGENT. You may remember the blog post on me being as poor as can be, and it has been literally months since I've allowed myself the slightest non-essential buy. 

Thankfully, my boyfriend managed to persuade me to save £25 for myself  so we could have a guilt free meal in a restaurant we've never been before (I don't have a food selfie because I'm over that trend, kiddin, the lighting was too low).

AND THEN, I was dragging my feet going to buy a new natural collection foundation after work, when I checked and saw that I had FINALLY had a tax rebate! This is the day after I had been reading loads of articles on how behind the tax office is and how they are generally useless/over worked/saying they had never received important letters etc.

Dragging my feet turned into skipping, and I merrily spent £40 squid on make-up/body shizz!

Just to add, I enjoyed the meal the previous weekend, and the M&S salad (this is not just a salad, it's a fecking delicious salad with nuts in), Maccy D chips and choc cheesecakes was on the menu for the evening!

Just to say, this isn't a trying to be a haul post. I know how frustrating they can be when there's nothing you're craving more than a good mascara! I feel like this is a grateful prayer kinda post. I'm honouring the make up gods in the same way Native Americans honour their kills and promise they won't waste a single scrap. I've paid my time buying Poundland eyeshadows! They're quite good actually. I promise I shall love the heck out of my new make-up and I shall rejoice every time I put my face on. (Except you Rimmel Liquid Matte Lipstick - I trusted you and after one use I can tell you're shit and won't last half an hour, 5 mins if I happen to be talking).

I can also see why not being able to afford luxuries can be healthy every now and then, buying a £3.99 Rimmel powder has made me ecstatic! 

I hope your Monday is just as good, and perhaps an unexpected tax rebate is heading your way!

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